“If you wait until you are ready, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life.”
– Unknown
This quote resonates with me quite deeply these days. If you’re like me, you might share traits of type A personality. While I definitely lean more towards the unconventional side of things, I certainly prefer to have all my ducks in a row before starting on a new project, goal, etc. (I think it’s a control thing – LOL!)
Being prepared is a great way to alleviate stress and increase your chances of success; however, it’s not uncommon to feel as though you aren’t prepared enough. So you wait. And wait. And wait. For that final piece to fall into place and magically make you ready to conquer all things. But what if that final piece never comes? What if that final piece only comes with experience once you’ve taken the dive?
My advice? Just go for it.
“Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.”
- Arthur Ashe
“But Shannon, what if I fail?!”
There are no losses in life, only lessons. Perhaps the outcome wasn’t what you expected or hoped for. That's OK! What did you learn from the experience? How can you take that experience and put a positive spin on it? How will it better prepare you for next time?
This can apply to your career, education, nutrition, exercise, etc. You may be afraid to take that next step because you fear not being prepared enough or you fear failure. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. I understand. I’ve been there. I GET IT. I still experience it EVERY SINGLE DAY. And that is why I am here to offer a helping hand. To help you take that next step towards a healthier lifestyle. Chances are, I’ve hit the same roadblocks as you - I’ve struggled with making mistakes and facing failure. But I didn’t let them stop me or harden me. I pushed forward with new experiences and lessons learned tucked away in my pocket. Perseverance is one magnificent son of b***.
My point is: Don’t let fear stop you. You are ready NOW.
Take the next step in bettering your life. Reach out to me today for a complimentary consultation!